I'm an indie author and a scribbler of inane babble. I talk about books I've read/liked. Or at least, that's the plan.
Most of the reviews will be considered "mini-reviews." Usually, it's mostly my reaction to what I've been reading. There are people who are far better at doing full and helpful reviews. But I still have fun doing them, and hope you enjoy them!
In Our Time was the first collection of short stories from Hemingway, and it's a landmark collection. I'd read some of his stories when I was younger, and while I enjoyed them very much I don't ever feel like I fully appreciated them for what they were. That's what happens with age. The older you get, the more you appreciate how things are structured and created. The stories in here are tightly written. It's amazing how much the man could convey using the simplest of sentences. He left a lot of things unsaid at times, yet you were still getting a full picture of what was taking place.
The collection is composed of stories and vignettes. A lot of the stories in here feature Hemingway's "Nick Adams," and those are my favorites of the bunch. But I really enjoyed every single story in here. It's definitely getting added to my list of overall favorite collections.
Here's a list of my favorite stories:
Indian Camp
The Doctor and the Doctor's Wife
The End of Something
The Three-Day Blow
The Battler
A Very Short Story
Soldier's Home
Cat in the Rain
Out of Season
Cross-Country Snow
My Old Man
If you haven't read Hemingway yet, then this would be a great place to start. You have to let yourself absorb the stories. You may not get everything right away, but you will in time. That was the brilliance of him. It's a short and quick read, but it's enjoyable as hell. One of the best from one of the greats.
5 stars