I'm an indie author and a scribbler of inane babble. I talk about books I've read/liked. Or at least, that's the plan.
Most of the reviews will be considered "mini-reviews." Usually, it's mostly my reaction to what I've been reading. There are people who are far better at doing full and helpful reviews. But I still have fun doing them, and hope you enjoy them!
Patrick Hockstetter.
Holy crap.
This section of the book was BRUTAL. I'd heard rumblings about how screwed up that kid was. We only caught a glimpse of him in the new movie, which is a shame. Although I truly don't know how they could've pulled off what he does in the book in the movie.
I honestly was this close to giving up. I almost had to stop reading/listening because it's so, so brutal and vicious... but I'm glad I didn't stop. Because... well... what ends up happening to him was extremely satisfying.